Saturday, April 19, 2008

Turn Amazon's wish lists into personal bookshelf

One of my favor applications is Delicious Library. It helps users to build their own collection of books, games, or DVDs. I could use webcam to scan barcodes on every book I had. Then, the application will find book covers, ratings, and prices for these books. Assuming you have some books in boxes or you lend them to others, this virtual library will help you a lot.

However, there was not a good way to make the bookshelf visible to your friends. I was thinking about Amazon wish lists yesterday. Then, I made a new wish lists and renamed it. Finding my books and adding to the new wish lists, I turned it into my bookshelf and kept my original wish lists.

Just googling the Web, I found Shelfari, which already provided the same function. But why does not use your exiting Amazon account to make it. Although companies are exploring the possibilities of Web 2.0 (also know as social network) and looking for their niches, I am not that optimistic about it. My only hope is I will find a reading group eventually.


Anonymous said...


Wei-Shin said...

不要叫我網路達人啦, 我不是啦;
還有那個Shelfari不要去申請帳號, 因為後來看到被大家批評, 使用者可能會收到spams